The Destruction of Jerusalem An Absolute and Irresistible Proof of the Divine Origin of Christianity



History records few events more generally interesting than the destruction
of Jerusalem, and the subversion of the Jewish state, by the arms of the
Romans.—Their intimate connexion with the dissolution of the Levitical
economy, and the establishment of Christianity in the world; the striking
proof which they give to so many of the prophecies, both of the Old and
New Testament, and the powerful arguments of the divine authority of the
Scriptures which are thence derived; the solemn warnings and
admonitions which they hold out to all nations, but especially such as are
favoured with the light and blessings of REVELATION; together with the
impressive and terrific grandeur of the events themselves – are
circumstances which must always insure to the subject of the following
pages more than ordinary degree of interest and importance. Many
eminent and learned men have employed their pens in the illustration of it;
but the fruits of their labours are, for the most part, contained in large and
expensive works, out of the reach of numbers, to whom the discussion
might prove equally interesting.
For the use and satisfaction of such, the present Treatise, in a more
accessible and familiar form, is quietly offered to the public. In order that it
might be better adapted for the general reader, critical inquiries and
tedious details are equally avoided; but it has been the care of the writer
not to omit any important fact or argument that, in his opinion, tended to
elucidate the subject. Countenanced by the example of many respectable
names, he has ventured to introduce the extraordinary prodigies, which,
according to Josephus, preceded the destruction of the Holy City.
Upon the reading of this tract, generally, the public will determine.
usefulness is the writer’s main object; and if a perusal of it shall contribute,
under the DIVINE BLESSING, to confirm the wavering faith of only one
Christian, or to shake the vain confidence of a single Unbeliever, his
labour will be abundantly rewarded.
G.H.LONDON, 1st. month, 1805.