Mathematical Evidence for Design in the Bible – Short Version – 77 Pages – Free PDF Download


Section 1
Evidence from Genesis of the Deity of the Lord.
Angel of the Lord. Who is he ?
The Angel of the Covenant
The explanation of John 1.1
Testimony from the Book of Revelation
Chapter Page
¨ 1. The Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity. 15
¨ 2. The exposition of John 1.1 20
¨ 3. More evidence from the New Testament. 28
¨ 4. The Plural of God in the Old Testament. 37
¨ 5. Who is the Angel of the Covenant. 40
¨ 6. The Glory of the LORD. 53
¨ 7. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 61
¨ 8. Summary. 65
¨ Appendices 68
Section 2
Mathematical proof for an unbelieving age that Genesis
is the true account of the Origin of the Universe.
Immutable evidence.
Evidence from the Shema. Deut 6.4 and John 1.1
Chapter Page
¨ 9. Introduction. 78
¨ 10. Investigation of Gen 1.1. 86
The Deity of Jesus Christ
¨ 11. Evidence in the New Testament. 99
¨ 12. Numerical Geometry. 115
¨ 13. Algebraic Analysis. 127
¨ 14. The Shema. 136
¨ 15. Other Languages, English, French and German. 145
¨ 16. Numerical analysis of John 1.1. 160
¨ 17. The analysis of Pi, p, 22/7, e , 2.718 183
¨ 18. Numerology. 206
¨ Appendices. 210
¨ Factor Table 243
¨ Bibliography 256
¨ Tables, Triangular, Hexagon, Hexagram, Prime 258
Section 3
Clear evidence that Jesus Christ is the prophesied
Messiah sent to Israel at the time of the Roman Empire.
The exact time of his first appearance as prophesied
by Daniel the Prophet and a New assessment
of the Second Advent
¨ 19. 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24. 262
¨ 20. 70 Weeks verse 25. 278
¨ 21. 70 Weeks verse 26. 285
¨ 22. 70 Weeks verse 27. 300
¨ Appendices 307