373 The Proof Set In Stone – ISBN – 09540951 – 0 – 3 – 744 Pages – PDF Download



373 The Proof Set in Stone – ISBN – 09540951 – 0 – 3


Acknowledgements 4
Preface 10
Dates for the New Testament Books 15

Section 1

Evidence from Genesis of the Deity of the Lord.
Angel of the Lord. The Angel of the Covenant
The True Identity of Michael the Archangel, Who is He ?
The Explanation of John 1.1
Testimony from the Book of Revelation.
Eternal Torment is Not a New Testament Doctrine


1. The Eternal Question, Why Evil and suffering 18
2. The Fundamental Doctrine of Christianity. 65
3. The Exposition of John 1.1 70
4. More Evidence from the New Testament. 78
5. The Plural of God in the Old Testament. 86
6. Who is the Angel [Michael] of the Covenant. 89
7. The Glory of the LORD. 101
8. The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit. 120
9. Summary. 124
10. Hell fire is it True or False ? 2 Thess 1.9 127

Section 1 Appendices

1. Anthropomorphism 159
2. Colwell’s Rule 160

Section 2

Mathematical Proof for an unbelieving age that Genesis is the True Account of the Origin of the Universe.
Immutable Evidence.

Evidence from Gen 1.1 the Shema. Deut 6.4 and John 1.1

11. Introduction. 2
12. Investigation of Gen 1.1. 12
13. Evidence in the New Testament. 26
14. Numerical Geometry. 43
15. Algebraic and Arithmetic Analysis. 63
16. The Shema. Deut 6.4 72
17. Other Languages, English, French, German 83
18. Numerical analysis of John 1.1. 96

Numerical Geometry, Hexagons, Hexagrams 109
The Layout of the 12 Tribes 124
The Strange Phenomena of A4 dimensions 131

19. The Analysis of Pi, p, 22/7, 3.14156… 140

The Greatest Unbelievable Proof Ever ! 153-156
DNA Protons 157
Fibonnacci Numbers 159
Bible Cubes 170
Analysis of the Exponential Constant e, 2.718 183
Metonic Soli-lunar cycle 194

20. Numerology. 196
21. The Numerical Signature in DNA 200

Section 2 Appendices

A. A Mathematical Proof why Radix 10 with 3 & 7 245 are the only numbers that are possible for Gen 1.1
B. How to construct numeric sentences by Computer. 251
C. Seven Unusual Numbers. The Letters to a friend. 257
D. Bibliography 274

Tables, Triangular 277
Hexagram, Hexagon, 278
Prime Numbers 279
Composite Numbers 280
GPS and Bible Numerics 53.373393 Latitude 281
Preview, The Numerical Bible Gen 1.1, John 1.1 282

Section 3

Clear evidence that Jesus Christ is the prophesied Messiah sent to Israel at the time of the Roman Empire. The exact time of his first appearance as prophesied by Daniel the Prophet and a New assessment of The Second Advent

22. 70 Weeks of Daniel 9:24. 2
23. 70 Weeks verse 25. 23
24. 70 Weeks verse 26. 30
25. 70 Weeks verse 27. 47

Section 3 Appendices

1. The purpose of this Appendix is to demonstrate what is 53 The evidence concerning the date of the Apocalypse – The Book of Revelation was written in AD 68 not AD 96
2. Part A. The Revolt of Judaea from “The Early days of Christianity “ by F W Farrar 58
Part B. The Fall of Jerusalem from “The Early days of Christianity “ by F W Farrar 70
3. The purpose of this appendix is to show that one year 74 in Biblical prophecy is 360 days.
4. Table of Chronology for the beginning of the 70 Weeks 78
5. The four verses in 80Hebrew of the 70 Weeks and a Numerical Analysis
6. Chronology , Christ’s Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem 90
7. Who was responsible for the desolation of Jerusalem 103
8. Evidence, Daniel was written in the 6th century BC 106
9. 2nd Advent, Past Event in AD70 μellei “Soon” 110
10. The Athnach of Daniel 9.25. RSV incorrect 151
11. Understanding Symbolism in Bible Prophecy Concerning the Identity of the Beast via 666 155
12. A summary of certain aspects of the Second advent. 172
13. The so called Global events at The Second Advent of Christ Comments on Rev 6. 192
14. Unusual extracts from Whiston’s Josephus. 203
15. A list of scriptures about the Second Advent with an  accompanying Chart of the events. 205
16. A short commentary on Matt 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13. 209 These three chapters contain the direct Prophecy of the Second Advent as prophesied by the Lord Himself.
17. The three different interpretations of Revelation, 238 also known as the Apocalypse of St. John.
18. Questions and objections 248
19. The Second Advent Prof. Lamont. ‘must read’ 251
20. Why I believe in Special Creation. 265
21. The Problem of Speaking in Tongues 274
A letter the from a long standing Charismatic 282
Is Tongue speaking for today conclusion 290