Re-dating The New Testament By John A.T. Robinson – 364 Pages – PDF Download


"For my father Arthur William Robinson who began at Cambridge
just one hundred years ago to learn from Lightfoot, Westcott and
Hort, whose wisdom and scholarship remain the fount of so much in
this book and my mother Mary Beatrice Robinson who died as it was
being finished and shared and cared to the end.
Remember that through your parents you were born;
What can you give back to them that equals their gift to you?
Ecclus.7.28. All Souls Day, 1975
Preface Abbreviations
I Dates & Data
II The Significance of 70
III The Pauline Epistles
IV Acts & the Synoptic Gospels
V The Epistle of James
VI The Petrine Epistles & Jude
VII The Epistle to the Hebrews
VIII The Book of Revelation
IX The Gospel & Epistles of John
X A Post-Apostolic Postscript
XI Conclusions & Corollaries
Colour version edited by Peter Bluer. 2012
The footnotes have been taken to bottom of each page to make this
version more readable.