New Discoveries In Babylonia About Genesis – 132 Pages – PDF Download


THIS book is the outcome of studies in archaeology and Genesis, while
working in the land of Genesis—Babylonia. The investigation of the
literary problems of the book in its ancient environment, and in the light
of the mass of new facts regarding ancient literary methods, throws an
entirely new light on the problem of its authorship.
My aim is to state as simply as possible the evidence which the Book
of Genesis has to give concerning its own origin and composition. To
many it will appear surprising that Genesis has anything whatever to
say for itself regarding the method by which it was originally written, for
scholars have discussed this very question for the last two centuries,
without even suggesting that it contains the slightest direct statement
concerning its own authorship.
The investigation is of the greatest possible importance, and the
conclusions which result from it, no less so, for this first book of
Scripture is the basis on which much of the superstructure, not only of
the Old Testament, but also of the New is reared. Moreover Genesis
has an interest and significance to which no other document of
antiquity can pretend.
The solution of the problem of the composition of Genesis outlined in
the following pages, is the result of the study of the findings which
archaeological research has presented to us in recent years. During
this period the writer has spent several years in "the land that was
Babylonia," repeatedly visiting the various excavations at the ancient
sites, and in constant touch with the latest discoveries.
In this environment of ancient things Genesis was carefully
examined—not for the purpose of discovering a new solution to its
composition—but solely to illustrate the geography and archaeology of
the country in relation to it.
While engaged in these studies the key to its literary composition
became increasingly clear, for Genesis was permitted the rare privilege
of being allowed to speak for itself in the light of all the new knowledge
we now possess of the methods of writing practised in patriarchal
It would seem that the key to its composition has hitherto remained
unrecognized, and therefore, unused.
While prevailing theories have been unable to unlock the door to its
literary structure, it is submitted that the following explanation does:—
The Book of Genesis was originally written on tablets in the
ancient script of the time, by the Patriarchs who were intimately
concerned with the events related, and whose names are clearly
stated. Moreover, Moses, the compiler and editor of the Book, as
we now have it, plainly directs attention to the source of his
Such a statement needs adequate confirmation by the writer, and on
the part of the reader a patient study of all the evidence on which it is
based. When this evidence has been scrutinized, it will be found that it
is attested by facts so numerous and verified by undersigned
coincidences so over-whelming, that almost every critical difficulty
regarding Genesis disappears.
Until the beginning of last century, the only known contemporary
history which had been written earlier than 1000 B.C. was the earlier
part of the Old Testament. The ancient historical records of Babylonia
had not been unearthed, but lay buried and unknown beneath mounds
and ruins which had hidden them for millenniums.
It was because the earlier books of the Bible stood alone and unique in
this claim to have been written centuries before any other piece of
writing then known to the world, that a century ago critics
endeavored to prove that they must have been written at a date
much later than Moses.