Daniels Last Vision And Prophecy By James Farquharson



The history of the origin of the following Illustrations is brief and simple.
The Author, in examining our Saviour’s prediction of the destruction of
Jerusalem, observed, that his professed quotation of Daniel seems
obviously taken from near the conclusion of that Prophet’s last prophecy,
and not from his prophecy of the seventy weeks, as indicated in the
marginal reference of our Bibles.
This opened up a new view of the latter part of the last prophecy, at
variance with the most popular and recently received interpretations of it.
The most approved commentators of modern times have applied much of
the latter part to events, that have occurred since the destruction of
Jerusalem by Titus, and the last chapter to the general resurrection from
the dead; whereas the quotation from it, by Christ, obviously directs us to
look for the fulfilment of the whole, in events that occurred at, or
antecedently to, that destruction.
It was natural, under such circumstances, to inquire into the true meaning
of the terms of the latter part of the prophecy, and to compare it with
historical events of the time, to which it now seemed limited. On doing this,
the most close and signal fulfilment of every clause of the prophecy was
immediately recognised among these events.
The whole of the last prophecy assumed, at the same time, a character of
more consistency and unity than it had presented, as formerly interpreted.
Other interpreters had demonstrated the fulfilment of all the former
part of the prophecy, as existing in events succeeding each other in
a regular and close order of time; but, to find the fulfilment of all the
latter part, they had wandered far away from that order; and respecting
this part, there was much of vagueness and uncertainty in their
In the new view taken of the latter part, the whole prophecy, from
beginning to end, had its fulfilment in events which followed each other, in
regular and close succession, in the order of authentic history.
The number of agreements, between the latter part of the prophecy, when
taken in that view, and these events, is great, and many of the events are
of the deepest interest of any that have ever occurred in the world,—being
no less than the advent of Christ, the precise time of which is foreshown in
this prophecy,—the deliverance he wrought for mankind,—his preaching,
and that of his Apostles,—and the communication of the Gospel to the
At the same time, the order and time of the fulfilment are such, as to
obviate, in the most effectual manner, the ancient infidel objection to
this prophecy of Daniel,—frequently renewed in modern times,— that
it was written after the events took place.
These circumstances have, in the Author’s view, given such importance to
the subject, that, as a small contribution to the evidences of the Christian
Religion, he ventures to offer these illustrations to the public.
It will be seen that, in the discussions, he refers chiefly to our most
common and popular authorities, both in Theological Literature, and in
He does so, indeed, in preference; because their being common and
popular is just the seal of a very general approbation attached to them,
and thus a ground of much confidence, that no one, who relies on them,
will be liable to any great error, in doing so.
There are, therefore, many things introduced, which must be deemed
very trite and common, excepting in their new application. There are also
not a few repetitions of subjects, or parts of subjects, which appeared
necessary for the sake of clearness, in placing some things in a new light.
He is sensible, that, in various respects, this little Volume will be found
very imperfect; but he has the utmost assurance, that the Christian public
will extend indulgence to every honest attempt, however limited or feeble,
to illustrate any part of the Sacred Volume; and he trusts, that, in making
his present attempt to do so, his desire is sincere to aid in promoting
the knowledge of Divine Truth, and in confirming the conviction, in
Christian minds, of the Heavenly Origin of the Bible.
The passage of Daniel’s last prophecy, which is the subject of illustration,
begins with the 31st verse of the 11th chapter, and extends to the end of
the Book of Daniel—Bishop Newton’s account of the various opinions that
have been held regarding it.—Brief statement of his interpretation of it.
That interpretation deserts the historical order of events,—-Is inconsistent
with the view, in which the passage is presented, by our Saviour’s express
quotation of the Prophet Daniel,—And with some terms in the passage
itself,—Brief statement of the interpretation of the passage now to be
offered.—Translation of the passage,—and criticism vindicating the
changes, made in it, from the common translation. ………………… PAGE 9
The three last visions of Daniel, which are—that of the ram and he-goat, in
the eighth chapter—that of the seventy weeks, in the ninth chapter—and
that of the things noted in the Scripture of truth, in the tenth, eleventh, and
twelfth chapters, have all one main subject, and mutually throw light on
each other.—Exception to this, in the prophecy of the 2300 evenings and
mornings, in the vision of the eighth chapter, which stands detached from
every thing else, both in the vision, and in the explanation given of it by
Gabriel, and is shut up, and not yet fulfilled.1
Certain terms in Daniel’s last prophecy plainly declare, that all. parts of it
would be fulfilled, when the Jews were scattered abroad, which took place
at the capture of Jerusalem by the Romans. Christ’s express quotation
from Daniel, in his prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem, taken from
the concluding part of Daniel’s last prophecy, proving that part to be a
prediction, having the same subject with his own.
We must therefore look for the fulfilment of the whole of Daniel’s last
prophecy, in events that occurred before, or at, the destruction of
Jerusalem by the Romans …………………………………………….PAGE 37
1. An excellent explanation of Daniel chapter 8 is given by Robert Gurney in his book
“ God in Control ” 1980.
www.biblicalstudies.org.uk/book_god-in-control_gurney.html [ Editor Peter Bluer ]
Commencement of the detailed illustrations of the passage, which
begins with the 31st verse of Daniel’s 11th chapter.—Bishop Newton
applies that verse to the “Romans.—In so doing, has followed Sir Isaac
Newton.—Sir Isaac Newton’s criticism of some part of that verse, and
reasoning upon it.—Errors into which he has fallen.
The grammatical structure of the whole passage connected with it, both
before and after, compels us to apply the 31st verse to the vile person,
introduced in the preceding 21st verse.—Commentators have fully proved
that vile person to be Antiochus Epiphanes.
Proofs, that the predictions, in the 31st verse, and in the following 32nd,
33rd, 34th, and 35th verses, were literally fulfilled—in the persecution of
the Jews by that tyrant,—in the fidelity, heroical achievements, and fortune
of the Maccabees,—and in the conduct and fortune of their successors,
the Asmonean dynasty of high priests and sovereigns, down to the end of
the male race of that dynasty, which became extinct by the murders
committed by Herod the Great….……………………………………. PAGE 59
The predictions in the 36th verse, and all following it to the end of the
11th chapter, fulfilled—in Herod the Great—and in the events of the Actian
war, which occurred during his reign, and is parenthetically introduced in
the prophecy.—A close agreement, between some terms, in the 36th
verse, and terms employed by the Apostle Paul, in his great Christian
Prophecy of the Man of Sin, has led commentators to apply that verse to
the man of sin, and to introduce great confusion into their interpretations
of this last prophecy of Daniel.
When we compare the whole of Paul’s prophecy with the whole of
Daniel’s, there are found discrepancies between them, that shew
they have not both the same subject.—Paul predicts a character of
extreme and rare impiety, assuming divine honours, exercising a
spiritual function, and extending his power by signs and lying
His prophecy is full, clear, and precise in its terms, and is obviously
fulfilled in the Pope of Rome.—Daniel predicts a character of great
impiety, but in terms like those that are applied by other prophets to
various impious characters.
The predictions, in the 36th, 37th, 38th, and 39th verses, literally fulfilled
in Herod—in his being the only king, after Daniel’s time, over the whole
Jewish nation, independently of the priestly authority—in his tyranny, and
success in war—in his impiety—in his apparently pious speeches to the
Jews—in his reign continuing down to the time of the wicked generation
which rejected the Saviour.
In his Idumean descent—in his murdering his beloved wife, and all
her kindred—in his rebuilding the temple at Jerusalem, and
converting it into a fortress, with a garrison, to overawe the Jews,
and secure his own power—in his building walled cities, having
splendid temples in them, dedicated to Augustus Caesar, as a
divinity—in his filling these with garrisons—and assigning the
neighbouring lands to the soldiers.
The predictions, in the 40th verse, fulfilled—in Cleopatra and Mark
Antony going to war with Augustus Caesar—in Herod, at first, being on the
side of Cleopatra and Antony—in the rapidity of the conquests of
Augustus, in that war—in his fighting some actions with cavalry, but none
with infantry—in his gaining the great naval victory of Actium—and in his
quickly getting possession of a great extent of territory,—The predictions,
in the 4lst verse, fulfilled—in Augustus with his army passing through
Judea—and in the failure of the expedition he sent against the mingled
people of Arabia.
The predictions, in the 42d and 43rd verses, fulfilled—in his reducing
Egypt, and its dependencies, to the form of a Roman province—in his
getting possession of the treasures of Cleopatra, although she, at one
time, meditated flying with them by the Red Sea, and, at another, burning
them with herself—and in his subduing, by his officers, the Garamantes in
Libya, and Candace queen of Ethiopia.
The predictions, in the 44th verse, fulfilled—in the announcement of
the birth of JESUS, by the wise men from the east—in the intelligence
Herod received from Rome of the conspiracies of his son Antipater, and
the undutiful behaviour of two other sons.
In Herod’s great fury on these occasions—in his slaying the young
children of Bethlehem, his son Antipater, and many other persons, about
the same time.The predictions, in the 45th verse, fulfilled in Herod’s
building two royal palaces in Jerusalem, where, it appears from Matthew,
he was present, when the wise men came from the east and in his having
recourse, in vain, to many remedies, for the cure or mitigation of his
painful disease………………………………………………..………. PAGE 93
Illustrations of the 12th chapter.—Michael proved, by Bishop Horsley, to
be a name of the Saviour,—The same proved by another train of
argument.—Meaning of the name, He who is like unto God. It would
seem to be repeatedly translated by the Apostle Paul, when declaring the
Divinity of the Saviour.
The predictions, in the 1st verse, fulfilled—in Jesus being born in
Bethlehem, in the days of Herod the king, and afterwards entering on his
public ministry—in his addressing himself first to the Jews—in the
calamities sent upon the unbelieving Jews—and in the deliverance, both
eternal and temporal, granted to the believing.
The predictions, in the 2nd verse, fulfilled—in the preaching of Christ,
awakening men from the death of sin—in some believing on him to
everlasting life—and in others knowing him to be the Messiah, yet refusing
to acknowledge him, from motives of worldly ambition, or for fear of the
Jewish Rulers.
The predictions, in the 3rd verse, fulfilled—in the preaching and writings
of the Apostles and Evangelists, and the effect of them,—the conversion
of men to righteousness.
The predictions, in the 4th verse, fulfilled—in the concluding part of this
prophecy of Daniel not being understood, till it was explained by Christ, in
his own prediction of the destruction of Jerusalem—and in the preaching
of the gospel to the Gentiles. The 5th verse, a description of the outward
appearances of the vision. The predictions, in the 6th, 7th, 11th, and 12th
verses, fulfilled—in the length of time, consisting of two unequal periods,
during which the great Jewish war lasted—in the issue of that war, which
was the complete dispersion of the Jewish nation.
And in the blessedness,—secured to them by their Saviour’s promise,— of
the Christians, who endured to the end, amidst the sufferings and trials of
the time of trouble. The 9th verse, a repetition of part of the 4th verse.
The predictions, in the 10th verse, fulfilled—in the sanctification of the
Christian converts—in their understanding this prophecy, which was
explained to them by the Saviour—in the obstinate impenitence and
increasing wickedness of the unbelieving Jews—and in their not
understanding this prophecy.—Nature and terms of the promise made to
Daniel, in the 13th verse.—It does not lead us to consider the general
resurrection as a part of the fulfilment of this prophecy. Brief notices of
other predictions in the Scripture of Truth, corresponding with this latter
part of Daniel’s last prophecy, as now interpreted………………… PAGE 151
Great number of close agreements, between the latter part of the
prophecy and a continuous train of events recorded in history.— Tabular
view of the agreements.—They are too numerous to be the results of
The explanation of Porphyry, and other adversaries of the Christian Faith,
inadmissible here; for Christians and Jews could not have combined to
add this part to Daniel, after the events took place.—The prophecy thus
conclusively proves itself to be a revelation of God. ………………PAGE 221